Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Vacation Classes @ Suhum Library

Day 2: Evaluation Blocks and Arithmetic Expressions:
We had a total of 28 students participation in today's activities. Students were taught how to use Evaluation Blocks to reglect the proper order of operations for an expression and convert arithmetic expressions to and from code. At the end of day 2, group number 8 consisting of Amenyo Gideon, Tetteh Grace, and Nuertey Prince emerged the best performing group for the second consecutive time. the program continues tomorrow.

Day 1: Video Games and Coordinate Plans:
The objective was to enable the students create a data model that describes a simple video game and describe the movement of video game characters by their change in coordinate. we had a total of 27 students participating in today's activity. To enhance teamwork among the students, they were grouped. At the end of day 1, group number 8 emerged the best performing group.


Wednesday, 13 April 2016


The Eastern Regional Library, Koforidua is the largest Library complex in the Eastern Region and the most recent to be added to a network of Libraries in the Region. The Library is presently headed by Mr. Gyan Budu; the Ag. Regional Librarian upon the retirement of Mr. Konwuruk Jawuruk.

The library is divided into two sections -- the children and adult section -- which forms the core of its user body. The Library registers members on a regular basis, and currently has more than a thousand children registered in the Children's department, a number which surpasses its Adults membership which presently stands at just above 100 members.

Although the children's membership dwarfs that of the Adults, more than 5,000 Casual Members (unregistered members, but who make regular use of the library) make use of the library every year with the children section possessing an even greater number of Casual Members per year in attendance according to the library records.

The library also operates a mobile service which allows books and other electronic reading materials be sent to communities which are deprived of static library services.

The Library records peak usage times during seasons of approaching University examinations and the November/December Exams of the West African Senior School Certificate Examination.
The Library has a Reading Club, which comprises some 200 members.

There are 26 Staff Members of the Eastern Regional Library, Koforidua. The above information about the Regional Library were provided by the then Regional Librarian (Mr. Konwuruk Jawuruk) on June 11, 2015.