Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Vacation Classes @ Suhum Library

Day 2: Evaluation Blocks and Arithmetic Expressions:
We had a total of 28 students participation in today's activities. Students were taught how to use Evaluation Blocks to reglect the proper order of operations for an expression and convert arithmetic expressions to and from code. At the end of day 2, group number 8 consisting of Amenyo Gideon, Tetteh Grace, and Nuertey Prince emerged the best performing group for the second consecutive time. the program continues tomorrow.

Day 1: Video Games and Coordinate Plans:
The objective was to enable the students create a data model that describes a simple video game and describe the movement of video game characters by their change in coordinate. we had a total of 27 students participating in today's activity. To enhance teamwork among the students, they were grouped. At the end of day 1, group number 8 emerged the best performing group.


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